General information
Our Spring 2025 season is projected to start around April and run through the end of the school year. Our league schedule is completely dependent on the number of registered players and teams created. As a result of this, our finalized schedule will not be posted until the registration period has concluded and our team rosters have been drafted by coaches.
All games scheduled during the season can fall on any day Monday - Friday, or Sunday's in the morning or late afternoon depending on the weather. A rough outline of our divisional time slots can be found below. Games can obviously fall in timeslots outside of these projections, but we try to follow this schedule as best we can.
Division | Possible Game Times |
Squirts & Learners Division | 6:15pm, Sunday's may vary |
Peewees | 6:15pm or 7:30pm, Sunday's may vary |
Midgets | 7:30pm or 8:45pm, Sunday's may vary |
Intermediates | 8:45pm, Sunday's may vary |
spring 2025 Pricing
Listed below are all of our available pricing options for the Fall 2024 season. Registration can be completed online at any time or in-person at one of our announced registration dates at Greis Park. Proof of residency may be requested upon registering to confirm accuracy of payment.
Type | Price Per Skater |
Village of Lynbrook Residents | $200* |
Non-Lynbrook Residents | $235* |
Beginner's Clinic | $150* |
Equipment Special** | $250* |
- Registration fee includes a 10-game schedule + playoffs and a game jersey.
- *If registering more than one player, a $10 discount will be applied for each additional participant
- **Our equipment special pricing is intended for new squirts or learners division aged players. This price includes a brand new set of full equipment and also includes your seasonal registration fee (10-game schedule + playoffs and a game jersey). Once registered with this package, the league will contact you with information on how to pick up your equipment.
The LRHL reserves the right to place any skater in a different division, regardless of age, that best suits the players talent level to ensure a competitive balance throughout the entire league